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KI im Rechtswesen - Für mehr Produktivität und Effizienz

Was sind die Vorteile und mögliche Anwendungen von generativer KI im Rechtswesen?

Partner für digitale Geschäftsmodelles
Der Einsatz von KI im Rechtswesen bietet viele Potentiale.

Um die Effizienz- und Produktivitätsvorteile von KI im Rechtswesen für sich zu nutzen, ist es wichtig, sich mit den möglichen Einsatzgebieten auseinanderzusetzen.

What advantages does generative AI offer in the legal sector?

KI im Rechtswesen

Höhere Effizienz der Prozesse im Rechtswesen

Mit KI können Prozesse im Rechtswesen erheblich optimiert werden. Z. B. kann die Erstellung von Dokumenten automatisiert oder juristische Recherchen beschleunigt werden. Die Mitarbeitenden können sich so auf komplexere Fälle konzentrieren.

KI im Rechtswesen

Steigerung der Produktivität bei Standardaufgaben

Die Mitarbeitenden werden von Routine-aufgaben entlastet und haben mehr Zeit für anspruchsvollere Tätigkeiten. KI ermöglicht so im Rechtswesen ein breiteres Aufgabenspektrum und trägt zu einer höheren Mitarbeiter-zufriedeheit bei.

KI im Rechtswesen

Besser Leistung und Qualität bei der Rechtsangelegenheiten

Unternehmen können mit Hilfe von KI die Qualität ihrer internen Rechtsangelegenheiten erheblich verbessern. Die Nutzung von KI im Rechtswesen führt zu optimierten Arbeitsabläufen und steigert die Performance bei externen Kundenanfragen steigert.

What are classic challenges in the legal sector?

Time-intensive processing of documents

Creating and managing large volumes of documents (e.g. contracts) requires a lot of time and resources, which affects the efficiency of the legal department and can lead to delays.

Difficulties in obtaining information

Conducting legal research manually is time-consuming and can make it difficult to access up-to-date and relevant information, which delays decision-making.

Complexity of compliance requirements

Monitoring and complying with legal regulations and internal guidelines is challenging and carries the risk of legal and financial consequences in the event of non-compliance.

High volume of routine requests

Companies with a large number of customers have to deal with numerous and recurring inquiries. The number of inquiries makes it difficult to process them promptly and impairs the quality of service.

Time-intensive processing of documents

Creating and managing large volumes of documents (e.g. contracts) requires a lot of time and resources, which affects the efficiency of the legal department and can lead to delays.

Difficulties in obtaining information

Conducting legal research manually is time-consuming and can make it difficult to access up-to-date and relevant information, which delays decision-making.

Complexity of compliance requirements

Monitoring and complying with legal regulations and internal guidelines is challenging and carries the risk of legal and financial consequences in the event of non-compliance.

High volume of routine requests

Companies with a large number of customers have to deal with numerous and recurring inquiries. The number of inquiries makes it difficult to process them promptly and impairs the quality of service.

Statue einer Frau mit Waage

Was sind mögliche Anwendungen von KI im Rechtswesen?

Automated contract creation

Generative AI can be used to automatically create contracts. Standard clauses are combined with user-defined requirements to create customized documents.

Review and analysis of documents

By using generative AI, large volumes of documents can be analyzed to identify inconsistencies or missing information. This frees up resources that can be used for more complex topics.

Legal research and case analysis

When conducting research, relevant cases, laws and precedents can be identified and summarized in order to create a sound basis for decision-making. Generative AI plays a decisive role here by making the relevant processes more efficient.

Monitoring of compliance guidelines

By using generative AI, legal changes and compliance requirements can be monitored continuously and automatically, helping companies to adapt their internal guidelines accordingly.

Risk assessment

Contracts or compliance data can be analyzed to identify and assess potential legal risks. Generative AI supports this process so that companies can take proactive measures to minimize risks.

Virtual legal advice

Chatbots and virtual assistants based on generative AI can answer basic legal questions and provide initial advice to reduce the workload of employees.

Our secure AI platform for everyday work in the legal sector?

We help you to effectively utilize the advantages of generative AI for your legal processes and to increase the productivity of your team. We not only offer you a secure and customizable AI platform. We are also happy to assist you with the introduction and rollout.

kamium features
„I am delighted that we have the perfect partner for fillibri in Zweitag. The agile and uncomplicated collaboration has always been a lot of fun, from the first brainstorming session to the product launch.“

Marc Weßling

Startup Coordinator Westfalen AG

Would you like to use AI in the legal sector?

Let's start together and make meters!

Katarina Mose
Katarina Mose
Senior Business Development Manager
Christian Peters
Christian Peters

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