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Fast Track

Prototype development

Let's bring your digital idea to life together in 4 weeks.


Prototypen machen Ideen greifbar und schaffen eine gemeinsame Vision der angestrebten Lösung. Sie dienen als Basis, um digitale Ideen mit echten Nutzer:innen zu testen. Damit sind sie oft auch eine wichtige Entscheidungsgrundlage für Investitionen.

We will provide you with a cross-functional team that will develop your prototype (e.g. click dummy or functional prototype) with you and test it with the relevant target group. We respond flexibly to you during the process and place great value on a close exchange at eye level.


  • Clear target image of the solution
  • Validated user feedback
  • Efficient budget utilization
  • Lower risk of undesirable development

Why is it worth creating prototypes?

Fast feedback and iteration

A prototype focuses on the user experience and makes it possible to test a digital idea quickly and efficiently and make adjustments if necessary.

Focus on relevant users

Prototypes make it possible to test a digital idea with real users. This ensures that the most important problems of a target group are solved and leads to greater satisfaction and acceptance of the solution.

Communication and teamwork

Prototypes can be used to depict the target image of a digital solution. This improves understanding of the requirements and expectations of the desired solution.

Reduced risk and troubleshooting

By testing prototypes, errors can be detected at an early stage so that they have no impact on the final solution. This reduces both financial and time risks.

„Prototypes make digital ideas quickly tangible and are an important tool in the development of digital products or services."

Andrej Focht

Design Lead – Zweitag GmbH

A validated prototype in 4 weeks. How does it work?

We go through the relevant phases together in a structured process. We use formats such as workshops or sprints to clarify critical issues and create the necessary solutions:


  • Define the objective and hypothesis to be tested
  • Understand the target group and defining the scope
  • Define the type of prototype
  • Sketch initial scenarios and wireframes
  • Determine test procedure


  • Develop the information architecture and detailed concept
  • Technology and tool selection
  • Development of the prototype
  • Feedback / coordination with stakeholders

Testing and iteration

  • Set up a testing plan
  • Tests with users, incl. evaluation
  • Optimization of the prototype
  • Documentation & handover

How can we help?

Do you have a digital idea that you want to test with real users or present to your stakeholders as a basis for decision-making? No problem, we can help you turn your idea into reality. Just write to us!

Andrej Focht
Design Lead & Senior Product Architect
Jonas Juchim
Engineering Lead
Oliver Liebsch
Senior Product Architect
Albert Paschen
Senior UX Designer
Julia Albrecht
UX Designer
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