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Product Discovery

From a digital idea to a solution that inspires users.


Do you have an idea for a new project or want to further develop an existing solution? But you're not sure exactly what you want to develop and whether it's worth the effort? Then this is the perfect time for an exchange. In an iterative process, we help you to create clarity and focus in order to identify the ideas with the greatest chance of success and turn them into meaningful solutions.


  • Efficient product development
  • Avoiding costly mistakes
  • Realistic validation of ideas
  • Better understanding of users
  • Objective decision-making

Why Product Discovery?

Product discovery is a targeted process in which cross-functional teams use real feedback to find out what users need. The results include, for example, clear product goals, a strategy or a concrete roadmap.

We support you in validating your digital ideas and ensuring that only those with the greatest chance of success are realized. All assumptions are consistently aligned with the relevant users and their feedback.

We use various methods to precisely understand the problem and define solutions. These include user interviews, design thinking, data analysis and design sprints.

As soon as we have developed an understanding of the users' needs, we start working on an effective development strategy. At the same time, we ensure that the defined product vision is both feasible and market-driven.

Product discovery model

Product Discovery @ Zweitag - we get on where you currently are

Depending on the situation and the challenge, we start with the process phase that is currently relevant. We clarify the task at hand and determine the next steps together:


Define the problem

The first step is to understand the problem and clarify whether there really is a problem that is worth solving. We also make sure that everyone involved has a common understanding of the problem.


Derive ideas and solutions

After defining the relevant problem, various solution approaches can be developed in the next step. The approaches with the most promising potential are then selected so that they can be tested with real users.


Create & test prototypes

Based on the solutions developed, the next step is to develop prototypes. Real users are used to test whether the assumptions made are confirmed and whether there really is a concrete need. The feedback gained in turn serves as the basis for further decisions and possible iterations.


Learn & optimize

We learn from the feedback whether we are on the right track or in which direction the next iteration should go. Continuous discovery cycles help us to learn and make better decisions. All of this flows back into the functionality of the digital solutions and thus improves the product-market fit.

Important success factors for Product Discovery

Christoph and Oliver will give you insights into using the right methods to make your digital ideas successful. You'll also get a feeling for what a collaboration could look like.

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Product Discovery Youtube Video

How can we help?

Do you have a digital idea that you would like to test for usefulness and feasibility or do you have an existing solution that you would like to develop further? Let's have a chat!

Christoph Schulte
Lead Consultant
Patricia Wiesker
Lead Consultant
Oliver Liebsch
Senior Product Architect
Torge Achelpöhler
Product Architect
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