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Klinikum Westmünsterland

Introduction of a patient portal at the regional supplier with five locations

With five locations and over 60,000 patients per year, Klinikum Westmünsterland is one of the most important healthcare providers in the region. As part of the Hospital Future Act, the hospital faces the challenge of introducing a patient portal for all locations. We are supporting the hospital on this journey.

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Our impact

Patientenorientierte Gesundheitsförderung
Der Perspektivwechsel bei der Softwareauswahl fördert Patientennähe und inspiriert interne Innovationen.
5 Standorte, eine gemeinsame Auswahl
Trotz Einbeziehung von Akteuren aus allen Standorten, konnten wir das Tempo für Ausschreibung und Auswahl hoch halten.
Produktiv 8 Monate nach Projektstart
Bereits 8 Monate nach dem Kick-Off ist das Portal für das Entlass- und Überleitungsmanagement produktiv im Einsatz.

The challenge

As a result of the Hospital Future Act (KHZG), Klinikum Westmünsterland (KWML) is faced with the task of introducing a patient portal at all five sites by 2025. The KHZG is intended to promote the digitalization of hospitals and a greater focus on patients. It defines a total of three funding areas:

  1. Digital admission management: Patients can enter data themselves before their hospital stay, manage appointments and provide documents.
  2. Digital treatment management: During their hospital stay, patients are more digitally integrated and their daily routine is supported.
  3. Digital discharge and transition management: Possible follow-up care (e.g. rehabilitation) is organized digitally by hospital staff. Data is exchanged digitally.

Right from the start, it was clear that one of the standard solutions available on the market had to be selected. But simply selecting one and getting started was not an option. After all, there are a number of challenges:

  • Patient focus: At KWML, the focus is on restoring patients' health. All structures and processes focus on the smooth running of everyday hospital life. A patient portal now focuses on the needs of the patient. This is a major change and means that employees are learning a new perspective.
  • Different situations at the sites: The hospital operates at a total of five sites. They differ in terms of process reality and digital maturity - despite a shared hospital information system (HIS). When selecting a solution, it is important to identify one that can be realistically implemented for all locations.
  • Organizational structure: As is common in many clinics, the KWML is also organized hierarchically. The introduction of a patient portal changes processes at all levels and at all locations. Therefore, a moderated exchange between the hospitals is needed so that the selection process is not overshadowed by other issues.
  • Capabilities and resources: The approach of the patient portal must match the existing capabilities and resources. Some solutions offer almost complete customizability of the entire system, others offer customizability of individual modules that build on each other. During the selection process, it is important to realistically reflect on the existing skills and resources and take them into account when making the choice.
  • Data protection and IT: From a technical perspective, there are also a number of issues that play an important role in the selection process. For example, data is to be exchanged between the hospital information system (HIS) and the patient portal via an interface, with the HIS remaining the central hospital system. In addition, patient data is protected as a “special category” under the GDPR.

Unsere Leistungen

Support in collecting and evaluating software selection requirements

  • User-centered approach in the requirements phase
  • Preparation of a catalog of requirements from IT, specialist areas, the care network and patients
  • Internal coordination of federal patient portal criteria with must-can criteria
  • Internal evaluation of all requirements according to importance for KWML
  • Selection of potential patient portal providers for public tendering

Moderation of the public tender across 5 locations

  • Preparation of the public tender for admission and treatment management as well as discharge and reconciliation management
  • KWML internal moderation throughout the process
  • Evaluation of all patient portal providers by a jury of employees from all locations and IT
  • Final evaluation of all providers with project management
Christa Welling
„We were faced with the challenge of finding a patient portal in a short space of time that suited our requirements and working methods at 5 locations. Zweitag quickly familiarized itself with the special structures of our industry and supported us as a moderator and sparring partner. We managed to digitize the first areas with a productive solution just 8 months after the start of the project - despite a public tender.“

Dr. med. Christa Welling

Medical quality and business field management, Klinikum Westmünsterland GmbH

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